Ready To Get Started?

Know Your Path Options

When you have an ideal project in mind then it’s time to decide how you want to work with us.


For those who want the control of writing themselves but need guidance and support, we offer hourly coaching. Set as many or as few appointments as you need. Whether it is just overcoming a temporary obstacle or having someone you can trust by your side throughout the process we are here for you!


If you don’t have the time or comfort level to write it yourself but know it must be done our expert ghostwriting services are here to take your concept and put it into words. No project is too large or small.

Publishing Services & Courses

When you’ve made it almost to the finish line with your book and stall, PENFORHIRENYC has the editing, formatting, and design capabilities to bring that Word document to life in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle formats.

Pick Your Project

If you don’t see it, ask! There is no writing project we cannot handle and aim to be your only stop for everything involving words!


Being a published author has become a new measuring stick for how proficient one is in their field. While merely writing a book doesn’t make one better than someone who has not, it absolutely goes to credibility and reinforces the author as a subject matter expert.


Publishing Services




The art of storytelling is as old as the human race. Whether the tales were told verbally, pictorially or with the written word stories are an integral part of who we are. We believe everyone has a story to tell and no one should be limited by a lack of time or know-how. With passionate writers on staff who work with all genres, PENFORHIRENYC is the right choice for your next project.


Publishing Services




One of the most moving, compelling, and inspiring things a person can do is share their experiences with the world. It is also one of the most difficult things to do, even for the most experienced of writers. Finding the right words to define one’s experiences, the questions to trigger the most distant of memories, the organizational skills to compile a lifetime of linear events into a well written and page-turning book are all very special skills that many cannot do themselves. Sitting with a PENFORHIRENYC interviewer to uncover all of this information can be the first step in being able to write it yourself or the push to realize the story needs to be told by somebody else.


Publishing Services




Not all ideas are envisioned for a literary audience, and some that are can also be well served visually. The big screen and streaming into millions of people’s homes is something we are more familiar with than ever. Today there are more avenues than ever before to have a movie, sitcom, or documentary produced for the masses and we are here to help turn any concept or completed manuscript into a screenplay so that you may reach your intended audience! 


Publishing Services



Frequently Asked Questions

Need guidance, check out the most frequently asked questions.

How do we get started?

Nam aliquam massa vitae auctor commodo. Aliquam nec velit et diam consectetur ultricies vel imperdiet purus. Morbi mollis eu lorem eu euismod. Integer facilisis sapien ligula.

How much does is cost?

Nam aliquam massa vitae auctor commodo. Aliquam nec velit et diam consectetur ultricies vel imperdiet purus. Morbi mollis eu lorem eu euismod. Integer facilisis sapien ligula.

Still Can’t Decide?

Take advantage of a free 30-minute consultation for new clients on the project of choice!

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